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Begin as you mean to go on!

Begin as you mean to go on

Mark Pribis —

As Acting Deputy Principal, one of my goals is to help prepare students for the next step of their lives

Many years ago I met Olympic swimming gold medalist Jeff Rouse.  I was with a group of swimmers and someone asked him what he did to win on race day.  Jeff replied that he didn't win his gold medals on the day of the race.  He stated Olympic medals are won in the weeks, months and years before race day.

The race only lasted 54.10 seconds.  Race day was a mere formality to show that he had developed the habits, put in the hard work, and invested most of the hours of his life to being a gold medalist.  He had to show up every day (sometimes 3 times a day) to practice prepared, ready to try his best, with a good attitude, and with a healthy body.

Similarly, at school students' success depends on the habits they develop.  Here are some habits that will help your student be successful:

  • Be on time.  The bell calling students to assembly rings at 8:35.
  • Have the proper uniform.  This includes proper hair, makeup, and jewelry.  The details of these requirements can be found in the student handbook.
  • Set a  phone-free time every day to do school work at home.  Read a book if you don't have school work.
  • Set a place to study.  It may be a desk, your kitchen table, or the living room couch.
  • Study with a buddy.  You learn more and It's more fun.
  • Be healthy.  Eat right, sleep right, and exercise.

I'm looking forward to a great school year.