Hero photograph
Photo by Rose Struthers

Year 12 Leavers Ceremony

Craig Hinton —

Best wishes for your future endeavours and aspirations

On the evening of Thursday 11 November the Year 12 Leavers Ceremony took place over in the new Parish Centre. 

This was an opportunity to celebrate the success of the students who have courageously taken the next step in their futures. We celebrated students who participated in the Gateway programme, gained full time employment and apprenticeships along with those moving onto further study in 2022.

It was a lovely evening where family and friends were invited to celebrate and acknowledge those students who have or are finishing up at Roncalli College.

Thank you very much to everyone who attended, to Marian Mehrtens for all of her organisation and the tireless work that she puts into such a successful Gateway programme. Thank you also to Miss Hall, Mrs Cockroft and Mrs Shearer for their support in helping to plan and prepare for this evening.

I would like to wish our leavers all the very best for their future endeavours and aspirations. Thank you for being a part of our cohort during your time at Roncalli College. Go forth, be confident in yourself, compassionate towards others and take care. We look forward to hearing about your progress.