Hero photograph
Liam Stoat - Butchery Assistant
Photo by Marian Mehrtens

Gateway Profile - Liam Stoat

Marian Mehrtens —

I was nervous and excited before joining Gateway. The workplaces I visited were butchery, bakery and cooking. I have chosen butchery and my work placement is at Pleasant Point Butchery. Some of the tasks I have undertaken so far are mincing, packaging and cleaning the machines after being used. 

 I am working towards butchery unit standards through the Industry Training Organisation Competenz; I have theory work to complete in the classroom while learning practical skills in the workplace.   My final assessment will be assessed in my workplace by the Butchery Training Advisor.    If I decide to continue with my qualification in the future I will already have 24 credits which will count towards a butchery apprenticeship.