Hero photograph
Photo by Robert Gibb

As part of the R100 celebrations ‘The Future of Peace Leadership’ symposium will run online on the afternoon of April 21 and the morning of April 22, 2021.

PDG Murray Verso —

April 21 will be the 100th anniversary of the first Rotary meeting held Down Under.

For 100 years, Rotary in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific has promoted the advancement of international, goodwill and peace in many ways such as grants, scholarships, and the training of Peace Fellows. This symposium will bring together leaders in peace and conflict resolution to provide perspectives on challenging global and domestic issues and will discuss ways we can all contribute towards building a more peaceful world over the next 100 years.

You can register your interest via the conference website: www.peaceleadership.org.au . More information will be provided in the February edition of Rotary Down Under.