Club Profile - Cashmere Rotary

Rotary District 9970 —

Cashmere Rotary has 44 members with 4 women and are about to induct a new member. The club is involved in the Mt Ada planting and maintenance of native shrubs and trapping predators on the Port Hills working with the Department of Conservation.

The club have given time, money and support to the following over the years and have developed a picnic area in the Halswell Quarry Park for the public, supported Cholmondeley Children’s Home in Governors Bay with significant funds, built a Rotahome in Fiji, have sponsored a government funded Project in Tonga to assist in the education of students from high school to post graduate studies which involved low frequency radio wireless communications in 5 Tongan schools. They have been able to help with significant projects by holding very successful Bookarama’s over the years with the most recent one grossing close to $100,000. It involves all the club members throughout the year with gathering, sorting and setting up the sale.

The club have formed a good relationship with Hillmorton High School and funded a Science and Robotics Workshop which has greatly increased student enthusiasm for the world of technology and science. This is an ongoing project for the club and the members are keen to be involved with the students progress.

Recently when the flooding in the Ashburton area took place many members were out in force to help the farmers with the clean up.

If you are walking in the Botanic Gardens (especially in the lockdown ) and take a look at the Magnetic Observatory Project. The Cashmere club recently donated $10,000 towards the cost of etching Maori motifs in the concrete surrounds of the building which demonstrate the traditional navigation techniques of the Pacific explorers. The work is in progress but you can look through the barriers for a sneak peak ! 

Cashmere Rotary: Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch Botanical Gardens

Thank you to all the members who are demonstrating our theme of “Serve to Change Lives”.