Hero photograph
End Polio Now
Photo by RI


Bob Aitken —

This will greatly help The Foundation Polio Plus Fund and give recognition to the Clubs. ’ This will greatly help The Foundation Polio Plus Fund and give recognition to the Clubs.

Provide information to your Rotary clubs on the END POLIO NOW club program. The concept is very simple.

Become a Sir Clem Renouf Club and get your banner — Image by: https://www.rotary9620.org/stories/become-a-clem-renouf-epn-club-for-world-polio-day

Each Club is requested to set up a branch of the 'Sir Clem Renouf END POLIO NOW Club’ within their club and ALL members are requested to donate $10 each per year. When the task is complete (for as many members who agree to take part and there must be NO compulsion), the Club may deposit the funds directly into the Sir Clem Renouf Centenary Year Appeal – set up at the beginning of the Rotary year as a tribute to one of Rotary’s great leaders, generally acknowledged as the founder of the End Polio campaign.

#EndPolio — Image by: Polio Eradication Project

A request to our District Rotarians is that you consider introducing the Sir Clem Renouf Club into each of your clubs.

World's Greatest Meal to End Polio — Image by: Susanne Rea

We believe this fund raiser is achievable, given most Rotarians will donate $10 to become a member of such a club – as the donation process is simple and well organised! Imagine the impact … With more than 30,000 Rotarians in New Zealand and Australia, if just half our numbers joined the club we would collect more than $150,000 and change the course of personal giving forever.

EClub of the Outback receives its Sir Clem Renouf End Polio Now Banner — Image by: Greg Marlow

The EndPolioClub Contribution form is attached below.

Bob Aitken