Larry Slattery, D9560 Foundation Chair 2021-22 and ARRFC PDG GREG MARLOW — Oct 14, 2021

Donate just $10 to Rotary’s Polio fund in honour of this great leader to mark World Polio Day in 2021/22.

A Clem Renouf End Polio Now Club has been formed in Australia. The concept is for EVERY member of a Rotary Club to donate just $10 to Rotary’s Polio fund in honour of this great leader to mark World Polio Day in 2021/22. Even a small personal contribution, from as little as A$10 from every member in a club, will foster a shared sense of pride in our number one objective, to rid the world of polio. In order to make it easier for your clubs to advise the details of individual contributions, a new multiple donor spreadsheetwas createdfor the program. The spreadsheet is attached.

When form is completed, the Club Polio Chair requests the Club Treasurer to transfer the amount of donations collected to the appropriate TRF bank account – clearly indicating the deposit is for the POLIO Fund. The TARFT account in Australia is (BSB 332 084 A/c 5510381195. If clubs send the completed spreadsheet to , the Finance team will be able to efficiently upload the many small donations to our accounting system – and ensure each donor receives a tax receipt and recognition.

Clubs with 100% member participation will become a Clem Renouf End Polio Now Club. October 24 is World Polio Day, the perfect time to make it happen. Can I encourage you to please consider supporting this program and to discuss with your members.

Yours in Rotary

Larry Slattery

D9560 Foundation Chair 2021-22

0439 440 401




ARRFC (Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators) and Member of the Rotary EClub of Outback Australia PDG Greg Marlow has achieved 100% support by his club members to become a Clem Renouf END Polio Now Club.

Article by ARRFC PDG Greg Marlow

In the past year, a new idea has been developed to assist raise funds for PolioPlus. In Australia it's called the Clem Renouf END POLIO NOW Club. In New Zealand it's called the Bill Boyd END POLIO NOW Club.

The idea is very simple, ask every member of your club to contribute a minimum of $ 10 AUD or NZD, and use the attached Form to send to the staff in Sydney by emailing

On Monday, October 11, I told the members of my Rotary EClub of Outback Australiaabout the Clem Renouf END POLIO NOW Club. I then asked the members for $10 each. If they didn't have $10 in their purse or wallet, I said I would add it to their January half-year club dues. One hundred percent response! The next day, I filled out the Form and sent it to RISPPO (Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office) together with the contributions (by direct debit). With 19 members, that's another AUD$190 toward the campaign to eliminate polio.

PDG Greg challenges all Club Presidents to “Just ask your fellow club members".