Forwarded PDG Greg Marlow — Aug 13, 2021

Speakers and Registration link to share in all Club Bulletins. Excellent speakers that will broaden your horizons. Register NOW!

The Zone Conference Committee met Friday 13th August 2021, and resolved that advertising content be provided to Districts and clubs, to promote registration and participation in the Conference in September.

Enjoy the online Zone Conference from anywhere you choose.

Learning, Leading, Action is this year’s Zone 8 conference theme, putting a spotlight on the essence of Rotarians and the way we get things done.

The theme also gives a clue to the conference content. Hear from speakers who are leading our organisation and our impact, learn from thought leaders and be impressed by a host of Rotarians taking action to change lives in our communities.

Be inspired to Lead Learn Act in new ways that deepen our engagement and increase Rotary’s impact.


Would you be kind enough to share this information with our AGs and clubs.