Hero photograph
District Membership
Photo by RI

Message from District Membership Chair PDG Ida

PDG Ida Portella, Membership Chair —

As Rotarians we know joining Rotary is probably one of the most rewarding undertakings you will ever do in your life! It’s through Rotary that we have so many opportunities to help make a difference within our communities and around the world, so why not share this with others by inviting someone to join your club this August.

 Our new District has welcomed many new Rotarians into our clubs and that has been a great start to our Rotary Year! To celebrate and welcome new members we would love for you to send in your photos to our Social Media Coordinator PDG Merewyn Wright via the following email:


Please include a little info, so we can celebrate their induction.

As District Membership Chair, I have put together a great team of Rotarians who are here to assist and help your clubs grow. They are:

Cairns- Marcus Hill

Darwin- John Palamountain

Gladstone- Marilyn Rayment

Mackay- PDG Michael Buckeridge

Townsville- PDG Ron Degenhart 

Rockhampton- PDG Terry Daley

Email membership@rotary9560.org should you wish to contact anyone of our Membership 9560 Team Rotarians. We all look forward to meeting you at our first DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP ZOOM meeting on this Monday August 2 at 5.30pm, following is the link to Join our first Zoom Meeting which is being continued and coordinated by Marilyn.


Meeting ID: 814 4189 9643
Passcode: 1590

For future meetings please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUpc-igpzIsHtc7oUCNndrgeS00aVKo84y8/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGpqj8rEt2cth2ERpwcBo-gd_zxmFhdgrdeyxDQIA5dZhHxM9ESYrNJO9eI

We need your help as well and that is for you to continue to share the Rotary spirit with others, so I hope that this month, being Membership month, you take the time to invite a friend or colleague to your club meeting or club project, mentor them and introduce them to the wonderful world of Rotary!

D9560 Membership Chair

PDG Ida Portella
District 9560 Membership Chair
Rotary Club of Mareeba – Membership Director 2021-2022

Mobile 0439545433

District Governor 2016-17