WASH — Oct 21, 2021

The upcoming webinar on Tools & Resources for Rotary WASH in Healthcare Facilities will feature two icons of the WASH world:

Thursday November 4th :

Arabella Hayter, WHO, will join us Thurs. Nov. 4 from Malaysia,
Arabella has been a member of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene unit at the World Health Organization since 2015. She works on WASH in health care facilities with a particular focus on country capacity building, training and support and has provided training on WASH FIT in nearly 20 countries. Her background is in public health, nutrition and anthropology.

Friday November 5th:

Maggie Montgomery, PhD, WHO, will join us Friday Nov. 5 from Geneva.Maggie is an environmental engineer with experience in research, public health, and fixing pipes. For the past 10 years she has worked in the Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health team at the World Health Organization, working to improve access to water and sanitation, particularly in healthcare facilities.Both our guests will share the WHO's Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT) and other valuable WHO resources, for assessment, tracking improvement, training etc.




Friday: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NMOdcYKSRLKujgJypJsadw

JOIN Them!Thursday Nov. 4, 6 pm Central timerepeated Friday Nov. 5, 10 am Central timeTools and Resources for WASH in Healthcare ProgramsWhat is unique about WASH in HCFs?What tools and resources can help you plan better programs.
