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Can we do it?
Photo by Martti Kankkunen

Lack of Water = Lack of Equality

Karen Kankkunen and Rotaract Club of Manatuto —

It's not too late to donate to the DG Partner's Project of choice, which is a water project proposed by the Rotaract Club of Manatuto.

Education is critical for breaking the cycle of poverty and yet so many schools in Timor-Leste lack access to safe water and sanitation facilities, and Karen's Project to promote in 2021-22, the The Centenary Water Project for Manatuto School, is one of them. But as Rotarians it is one where we will make a difference. 

Manatuto Rotractor team has contracted a local team Aumalus that will drill water at the schools of Tecnika Vokasional Mahunu Bukar and Kayrala Manatuto. — Image by: Rotaract Club of Manatuto

Lack of clean water has serious effects on students' academic performance and attendance rates, and as a teacher, this is a sin in a country that needs its brightest and best to perform. The lack of safe water can cause even the best students to lose momentum as they deal with stomach pains and diarrhoea from disease and hunger.

Timor Rotary Consortium RAWCs — Image by: RAWCS.org/Timor-Rotary-Consortium- Project

These schools cannot run their agricultural and science programs if they cannot provide water to students and faculties.

Rotaract Club of Manatuto  — Image by: Rotaract Club of Manatuto

I have also just heard from the Rotaract Club of Manatuto that their Rotractor team has contracted a local team Aumalus that will drill water at the schools of Tecnika Vokasional Mahunu Bukar and Kayrala Manatuto, so the project is definitely progressing well now.

Signing the drilling contract — Image by: Rotaract Club of Manatuto

For girls, the situation is especially troublesome. If schools do not have proper toilets, girls drop out once they reach puberty. This is a particular spotlight that RI President Shekhar Mehta had asked us as Rotarians to address. Further, it is typically the responsibility of the women to fetch water thus limiting their access to  education. 

Working on the drilling contract  — Image by: Rotaract Club of Manatuto

With the many additional burdens that a lack of clean water brings, education simply becomes less of a priority. This sets up an unfortunate cycle of poverty and inequality as without a proper education, there is little chance of improving one's situation later in life. The Rotaract Club  of Manatuto's Water Project is working to break this cycle.

If your club has NOT donated yet, there is plenty of time!!! At the next Timor Rotary expo, members of your club will be able to travel over and see the completed project that we did as District 9560.