Bernadette Cross — Sep 8, 2021

This month highlighted by the Rockhampton Fitzroy Club's efforts

Our Rotary Club of Rockhampton Fitzroy has installed 10 little Community Libraries in our surrounding district.
This includes outside the homes of 3 of our members, friends of friends and 3 local schools. We supply the libraries fully stocked with books and a bag of extras for a quick refill.

Our belief is everyone should have the opportunity to read.
Reading = Knowledge is one of our favourite sayings and it doesn’t matter what you read, as long as you are reading something. It aids also with literacy and mental well-being.

With these community libraries they are open 24/7 , you don’t need a card to join or fill out forms before borrowing and it’s FREE.

Also if you can only borrow a book and not return or swap one, that’s totally ok too.

Children and adults are offered a great range of fiction, nonfiction, picture books, magazines, self help books, weekly local newspaper etc. Most of our books are donated by our members, family and friends and the generous people in our town.

We have also recently purchased some preloved Library books from Rockhampton Regional Libraries, $5 for Huge Bags full of mixed genres. Also local schools have donated preloved books when they are restocking their libraries.

Our libraries are easily identified with our bright blue roofs and Rotary Club of Rockhampton Fitzroy stickers.

Our community loves it.

Kind Regards
Berny Cross
Rotary Club of Rockhampton Fitzroy