Operation Cleft Palate Australia — Apr 5, 2022

For as little as $350 per operation, you could change the life of a child.

Operation Cleft is a unique Rotary project that provides free cleft repair surgery for underprivileged children in Bangladesh. Because cleft repair surgery is not covered under Bangladesh’s overburdened public health care system, thousands of children grow to adulthood with this condition untreated.

Because of the way they look, these children are ostracised by society. Many suffer from ear, nose and throat infections as well as depression and malnutrition.

By surgically repairing their cleft lip and/or palate, we are providing them with an opportunity to lead a normal life, to get an education, to build a social network and to reach their full potential as contributing members of their community. And the cost of each operation – just $AUD350

Do you know, a Cleft lip or palate can often be treated with a simple surgery that can take as little as 45 minutes? It is completely safe and has been in practice throughout the world for decades. The result is so obvious immediately following surgery. It will melt your heart when the child looking in the mirror at a new face, the parents crying with joy, knowing their child’s future has has been changed forever.

Operation Cleft Palate Australia  — Image by: Operation Cleft Palate Australia

The surgery can cost as little as A$350, paid for by the contributions of caring people like you who make the work of this Project, Operation Cleft possible.

They need Your Help !!

Thank you 🙂

Operation Cleft Australia
