President James Smith and PP Di Borella — Sep 10, 2021

The Rotary Club of Darwin Sunrise has made a commitment to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) throughout 2021-2022 to acknowledge and respond to the impact of our colonial history.

Approximately 30% of the NT population identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. We see this as an opportunity to achieve the Rotary International theme ‘serve to change lives’. 

There are four RAP types - reflect, innovate, stretch, and elevate. We have registered with Reconciliation Australia to develop a reflect RAP to start our journey. We’ve established a small working group to progress the RAP development, which includes guidance from two respected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of our club (Di Borella and Sean Taylor). We will also be inviting community members to be involved as well.

 An important part of our RAP development has been to acknowledge the things we already do well. We’ve started this process by making time to reflect as both a club, and board. We always undertake an acknowledgment of country at all board and club meetings; we regularly invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations as speakers; we sponsor the NT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Practitioner Excellence Awards as a way to celebrate two unique vocations; and have sponsored various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarships and community service projects. However, more can always be done, and the spirit of reconciliation is strongly aligned with rotary values, particularly that relating to celebrating diversity. Growing our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership is one important strategy moving forward. 

We are only at the start of our RAP journey, but encourage other clubs across the district to do the same. We are happy to share our key learnings and hope to present at next year’s district conference about the process and key achievements. 

Prepared by James Smith & Di Borella