Hero photograph
Cluster Meetings with all the Clubs in the District 9570
Photo by Adele Hughes

Cluster Meetings with all the clubs in the District 9570

Michael Buckeridge —

District Governor visit to Mt Morgan, which included Rockhampton Fitzroy and Rockhampton West. Great night with donations presented to Karen to Australia Rotary Health, chocolates and wine! (August 12th 2019)

This has been a very busy month. Karen and I have been visiting all the district clubs.  As you know, our district is preparing to join with the district 9550. In preparation for that, we are having combined club meetings and if  presidents are available, individual presidents' meetings.

I personally find this is a much better system than the one we were operating under. The individual presidents' meeting are extremely beneficial. Each meeting is tailored to the individual needs of the president. The combined club meetings allow clubs to get together and connect. After all, that is the theme for the year “Rotary Connects the World”.

There are three points in my DG presentation

· Our district needs to build new clubs and rejuvenate old clubs to survive. (Read the book)

· Come to the joint District 9570 and 9550 conference in Mackay may 1-3 2020.

· Support Karen’s cause Australian Rotary Health Payment details:

Account Details Australian Rotary Health BSB: 12 879 Account #: 065 433 595
Please advise of your deposit via email to admin@arh.org.au

In the email, enter your club name and the words “District 9570 Partners Program Karen Buckeridge. Donation to go to  Mental Health Research.“

All the clubs are very active and do great things in their communities, and around the world. These club visit are highlight of our DG journey so far. 


The travelling time that DG Michael & Karen have done thus far! 

15,000 km - with about 1,000 to go. Visited 43 clubs with 5 to go - Moranbah Wednesday night (Aug 28th) and then the rest of the Rocky clubs.

Here is a selection photos from their  journey up to now.