Hero photograph
The Chartering of the Rotary Club of Barcaldine
Photo by Karen Kankkunen

The charter of the Barcaldine Rotary Club – 19th of June 2021

PDG Terry Daley —

Celebrations and Congratulations from D9560 to our new friends in Barcie.

The original Barcaldine Rotary Club closed in 2010.

For the past 10 years a whole generation has missed out in participating in Rotary’s great programs.

There is no service Clubs in Barcaldine, Apex closed soon after Rotary closed, and Lions also closed soon after that.

In January 2021, I commented to District Governor Adele Hughes that I felt there was an opportunity to start a new Rotary Club in Barcaldine. She encouraged me to take a harder look and see if there was enough interest to form a new Rotary Club.

I devised a plan to process and advance the new club, helped by DG Adele and Wade Hughes and Debbie Daley.

In mid- March I spent two days walking the streets in Barcaldine talking to people and following a few leads of prospective members. There certainly was interest and the date was set for an interest meeting as April the 7th.

The Barcaldine Bowls Club offered their venue free of charge and the meeting was attended by nine perspective members, so, at the worst we would have a Satellite Club. Prior to the meeting District Governor Adele Hughes, Wade Hughes, Debbie Daley, and I spent two days walking the streets talking to people, following up leads given to us and preparing for the Interest meeting. On two occasions comment was made that the venue was not going to be big enough such was the interest and in turn the catering was increased to cater for the influx of perspective members to about thirty people. Nine turned up. I guess this is part of the normal process. At the second meeting we had an almost different group of perspective members and slowly over the next two meetings the membership evolved into enough to Charter a new club.

Early in the process I had discussions with the Barcaldine Council’s Community and Engagement Officer Angela Waugh, and she offered to supply our information through the Council's media outlets. This was a great help and gained much interest, to the point of us gaining some perspective members. Another person who helped greatly was Past Barcaldine Council Mayor, Rob Chandler. I am very appreciative of the help from Angela and Rob.

There is one other special person whom without her help we would not have got to Charter night, Sharon Broughton, The Barcaldine Charter President. Her efforts in rounding up perspective members was above and beyond expectations.

Daniel Roussounis, Current President of the D9560 Passport Club, lives in Emerald and will be the Club Mentor. Daniel has also helped by attending some of the start-up meetings.

I wish to also acknowledge also the fantastic help received from our Rotary International Parramatta Office in particular Trudy Grice, Sally Furto and Barbara Mifsud. Needless to say, a big “thank you” to District Governor Adele Hughes. She moved mountains to get this new club chartered.

Thank you to the eight Rotary Clubs from District 9570 who each donated $200.00. This will be a great help getting the Club running. District 9570 also put in $2,000.00 towards the costs of starting the new Club.

Sincere thanks to Past District Governors Mark Lean, Michael Buckeridge, Brian Jessett and Foundation Chair Past President Larry Slattery for their training of the new club.

So, the Club will charter with 23 members, and they are a truly diverse group. The youngest members are 19 years of age, and the average age is 43 years. The club is meeting each second Thursday and their home will be the Globe Gallery, Oak Street, Barcaldine. However, I believe they will be shifting their meetings to other venues to spread the patronage around the town. The Club is modelled on the Rockhampton Fitzroy Rotary Club.

Congratulations and welcome to the Rotary Club of Barcaldine

PP Terry Daley


Dennis Allpass - dennisallpass@westnet.com.au

 Nathan Raasch -nraasch@gbaengineers.com.au

 John Cook -diabetesheartmobility@gmail.com 

Monique Cook - email@cookaburra.com

 Natalie Allpass -allpass@westnet.com.au

 Helen Simpson - helsha@bigpond.com

 Beccy Lockie - bec.lockie@gmail.com

 Suzanne Thompson -suzanne@yachatdac.com.au

 Graham Ambridge -graham@yachatdac.com.au 

Sharon Broughton -sharonbroughton@bigpond.com 

Ezekiel (Zeke) Thompson -solezeke@icloud.com 

Carl O'Neill - carloneill5@gmail.com 

Kevin Jackson -wacker58@bigpond.net.au 

Anna Scott -acarleton@live.com.au 

Michael Williams -mwilliams@gbassoc.com.au

 Halina Williams -halinawilliams1@gmail.com 

Dorothy (Dot) Skinn -d.skinn49@gmail.com

 Penny Rogers -rogerspenny1973@gmail.com 

Carmen Tuttle - cltut0@eq.edu.au Shirley Jackson

Alisha Elden -alisha_elsden@outlook.com 

 Lily BenLibby- lilben27@outlook.com 

Libby Dean - Libbyjdean1@gmail.com