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Our 2019/2020 inbounds.
Photo by Heather Sugget

Rotary Youth Exchange Update for 2022/23 in D9560

YEP Chair D9560 Heather Sugget —

Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is going ahead in 2022

Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is going ahead in D9560😊DGE John Hall has given the green light for Youth Exchange to continue in D9560. This is fantastic news for those of us involved in this worthwhile program.

RYE is answerable to two governing bodies-Rotary International (RI), and the state’s education department who overseas the International Secondary Student Exchange (ISSE). We must receive certification from both bodies to be able to conduct an exchange program.

We have Provisional Certification from Rotary International. The necessary documentation has been sent to RI for Certification for D9560.

I have been working on D9560 documentation for Queensland Education with Michael Buckeridge’s assistance. It has been a huge job, but we are just about completed. The necessary documentation will be on the district’s website under Youth Exchange. Once this is completed, I will begin working with Northern Territory Education Department.

We still have a few hurdles to get over:

· RI has to give permission for the program to go ahead from July 2022

· The Australian Government must allow students into Australia

· Queensland & Northern Territory must allow students to enter without having to quarantine

RYE is a reciprocal program. If we send a student to a country, we must receive one in return and vice versa. In 2020, the two districts sent out seven students. The reciprocal countries are France, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Italy and Brazil. We are also able to take other students from other countries in July. The countries are preparing students in anticipation that students will go on exchange in July, 2022. While I have sponsor clubs prepared to take “their” student, I am requesting clubs that may be willing to host a student or interested in more information to please contact me. Clubs can “share” a student also. I would be happy to do a Zoom presentation to your club or a committee member may be able to come and speak. I would love to place a student in Darwin so if any clubs are interested, please contact committee member Ray Fauntleroy to express your interest.

Outbound students, those leaving Australia, would normally be completing application forms in March. Part of their application is finding a sponsor club in their town. I ask that if a student contacts your club, that you give the student an opportunity to speak at a meeting to hear why they wish to go on exchange. The RYE committee is here to assist you.

Of course, this all hinges on COVID and how it plays out…..

I look forward to working with clubs in D9560 as RYE Chair.

Regards Heather Sugget
