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Rotary on the Move July 2021
Photo by Rotary on the Move Newsletter July 2021



Invite new members to participate in meetings, service projects, and other events, and see what interests them. Article by PDG Adrian Roach, Regional Rotary Coordinator

Some interesting facts, in Zone 8 from 1st July 2015, until 17th June 2021, we admitted 24,724 new Rotarians but at the same time we then said goodbye to 30,354.

Our retention rate over that 5 year or so period is 54%. Out of those terminated, 52% were new members. How disappointing is that!

It is wonderful to induct new members and start new clubs, especially new style clubs but we need to Retain current membership by engaging members.

How to engage new members?

Invite new members to participate in meetings, service projects, and other events, and see what interests them. Because mentorship is important to younger professionals, identify established members who would be great connections and make introductions.

When new members join your club, connect with them, and find out what inspires them. Create a new member orientation strategy to keep them active and engaged. Engagement leads to retention.

Ask your members to share their ideas. Show them respect, encourage them to make suggestions, and encourage others to take them seriously.

As new members take on leadership roles and start projects, it’s OK to ask if they need help. Check in regularly to make sure they’re finding their place in your club.

Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Greenhills-Maitland assisting the elderly in need with gardening working bee.

How to engage current members and club leadership

Assess and evaluate the health of your club and its membership by using our Rotary Club Health Check (PDF). Create awareness around the challenges your club faces.

Ask yourself, “Does my club need to evolve?” If it does, download our Membership Assessment Tools for step-by-step guidance.

Ask your fellow members what they want. Build trust and respect with them — former members, longstanding members, and current members. They hold the keys to your club’s traditions and to its future. Our Member Satisfaction Survey (PDF) can help.

Rotarians from local Maitland clubs joining together to plant 100 trees for 100 years of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand.

Coordinate events, speakers, and service projects that are challenging, exciting, and relevant to your club. Visit Develop Projects.

Find ideas for activities that reflect your members’ diversity and personalities in Be A Vibrant Club.

Rotarians in clubs that have a strategic plan, report higher satisfaction and engagements. They are also more likely to intend to stay members. Download Rotary’s Strategic Planning Guide and Strengthening Your Membership: Creating Your Membership Plan.

Are your club members engaged?

PDG Adrian Roach, Regional Rotary Coordinator

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