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Bequest Society


PDG Darryl Iseppi, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator —

In 2015 the first ever Million Dollar Dinner outside North America took place in Brisbane.

Article by PDG Darryl Iseppi, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator

Almost $2,000,000 was raised that night for The Rotary Foundation. Whilst several large donations and even larger Bequests took place that night and were recognized it was the smaller Bequests that help build the total.

We approached people from outside the Rotary Circle but they knew about Rotary because they knew Rotarians who never shut up about it and who are always explaining the concept of a Bequest to the Foundation and how the money is looked after and spent once received.

Every employee in Australia has superannuation provided by their employer. Part of superannuation is a life insurance policy on the individual (normally a minimum of $50,000) which is more than enough to cover a US$10,000 or US$25,000 bequest. My secretary at the time was 21, and in her words “if I die my parents don’t need the money and I certainly won’t, show me how to sign up”.


Does your District have members that between them have 100 staff? (100 time $10,000 equals $1,000,000).

Do you have family members that when you discuss with them your Bequest to the Foundation that also can see the way to also be involved with a bequest of their own?

Have you asked your Rotaract members to Lead the way?

This process works. You just need to show the Great Work of the Foundation and its Stewardship and then ask.

You never know, they may just want to become a Rotarian as well.