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MDIOS Unite for the Environment, 3rd Edition


Becky Giblin, Chair of Rotaract Oceania —

Rotaract Oceania, Rotaract Mediterranean and Rotaract Europe are once again launching the debate on environmental sustainability.

Article by Becky Giblin, Chair of Rotaract Oceania

The forest fires that affected the Mediterranean and European countries during the summer of 2021 encouraged three Multi District Information Organisations (MDIOS) to join forces to raise environmental awareness among Rotaractors, Rotarians and non-Rotarians.

This is how the “MDIOS Unite for the Environment” project was born.

This project consists of organizing live events on Zoom to bring together Rotarians and Rotaractors, raise awareness on the climate crisis and the work we are doing in the new area of focus. These lives events target specific themes:

  • Climate change
  • Pollution
  • Relationship between different cultural values & environment sustainability

These lives are composed of three parts:

  • A scientific approach to the topic discussed through the participation of specialists
  • A highlight of actions carried out in the different MDIOs (Mediterranean, Oceania and Europe)
  • A Rotaract/Rotary panel through which we will talk about the possible things we can do to help (at our level) to contribute to a better world.

Let's talk about our third live event which will take place very soon.

Rotaract Oceania, Rotaract Mediterranean and Rotaract Europe are once again launching the debate on environmental sustainability.

In this 3rd edition, we will explore the relationship between different cultural values and environmental sustainability!

We will also talk about the situation in Tonga which is heavily affected by environmental issues right now post the volcanic eruption in January and how Rotary is working on assisting our members on the ground as they help their community. We will be raising awareness about Rotary New Zealand World Community Services fundraiser online throughout the event.

As 3 MDIOS, we are concerned about the current global issues and want to act before it is too late.

Join us on 19 February 2022:

8:30 pm New Zealand Daylight Time

7.30 pm Fiji Standard Time

6.30 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time

8:30 am Central European Time 

Please fill out the form and register for the event https://forms.gle/faj9njq74x8fntD6A

Follow the event for more details about the program and our amazing speakers https://fb.me/e/1DOKtkbRC

If you would like to know about us and keep up to date with our projects or events, please check and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Instagram: @rotaractoceania @rotaractmediterranean @rotaracteurope

Facebook: RotaractOceania Rotaract Mediterranean ERIC - Rotaract Europe

If you would like to make a direct donation to the Tonga fundraise here is the link: Support Tonga

MDIOS Unite For The Environment session 2