Michelle Gallace, Regionalisation Communications Specialist, RI South Pacific and Philippines Office — Dec 7, 2023

On 1 December, the Rotary Club of Sydney collaborated with NSW Police to run its inaugural public awareness campaign against domestic and family violence, tying in with Rotary’s Zone-wide Domestic and Family Violence Campaign launched earlier this year.

Article by Michelle Gallace, Regionalisation Communications Specialist, RI South Pacific and Philippines Office

Joined by representatives from Sydney City Police and Kings Cross Area Commands, Domestic Violence NSW and UN Women at Sydney Town Hall Square, the event sent a clear message that Rotary says no to domestic and family violence, and yes to respectful relationships. 

L-R: Simon Clarke (CEO, UN Women Australia), NSW Police Sgt O’Donnell, Officer Grant, Sy Laga’aia (Rotary Sydney Chair, Peace Building Group & COO, Armatec Global), Glenn Stafford (Rotary Sydney President Elect), Jay Laga’aia (Events Coordinator, Armatec Global)

District 9675 Governor Tonia Barnes urged attendees to remember that domestic and family violence impacts a substantial amount of people from diverse walks of life, many who will require assistance over the Christmas and holiday period.

L-R: PDG Dr Janice Hall and partner Mark Robertson, District 9675, DG Christine Owen, District 9685 (holding sign)

“Consider what you can do to help those in need in the domestic violence space. It might just be dropping off information to an organisation about what you can do. It might be funds going to a women’s shelter. It might be supporting organisations who help women’s shelters,” said Tonia.

Rotary Club of Sydney member Sy Laga’aia, who played a pivotal role in organising the public gathering, plans to make the event a yearly occurrence.

Sy and group
L-R: Mike Fa’avesi (Events Logistics, Armatec Global), Rio Allen (Rotary Sydney Peace Building Group Volunteer Coordinator & Managing Director, Coordinated Care United), Sy Laga’aia (Rotary Sydney Chair, Peace Building Group & COO, Armatec Global), Jay Laga’aia (Events Coordinator, Armatec Global)

"I am pleased to see the collaboration between the Rotary Clubs of New South Wales and the NSW Police in highlighting the issue of domestic and family violence. This alliance serves as a model for other local law enforcement agencies and Rotary Clubs, as well as the broader community, to follow. It's a call to action for everyone to move beyond mere discussion and actively engage in addressing this critical issue." Advised Sy.