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Donor Recognition Program


Rob Byrne, Senior Coordinator The Rotary Foundation Services, Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISPPO) —

Clubs that deliver inspiring outcomes have a huge advantage in attracting and keeping members, and The Rotary Foundation enables clubs to deliver amazing outcomes!

Article by Rob Byrne, Senior Coordinator The Rotary Foundation Services

It is by dramatically increasing the impact of club projects that the Foundation helps a Rotary club to build its reputation in its community—and build the enthusiasm and commitment of its members. By helping clubs to DO GOOD IN THE WORLD we’re also building stronger clubs.

One of the joys of having a leadership role in the Foundation is to witness firsthand when a club makes this connection between Foundation funding and their own success—and to see the increase in club vibrancy that follows.

Not surprisingly, the clubs and Rotary members who understand the nexus between doing good and growing club vibrancy are the ones who support the Foundation most passionately.

Four Funds that you can contribute to

Most often, this support is directed to the Annual Fund, because half of these contributions come back to the district to support local initiatives. However, it’s also reflected in greater support for Rotary’s number one cause, End Polio Now.

Also, members and clubs that have witnessed the very rapid impact of a Disaster Response Grant tend to support the Disaster Response Fund, while those who want to see Rotary’s impact continue in perpetuity often give cash or leave money in their wills to the Endowment Fund.

On average:

  • people in the community give over $100 per year to charity—and Rotarians tend to be more generous than most
  • about 70% of the Foundation’s contributions come from personal donations
  • approximately 25% of Rotarians contribute to the Foundation.

If the other 75% of Rotarians better understood the doing good / club vibrancy nexus, perhaps they might direct at least $100 per year to Rotary’s charity? That dovetails perfectly with the Centurion program that was created some decades ago by the Rotary districts of Australia and New Zealand. But that is just one of the programs that recognise the generosity of our donors:

Recognising your Personal Contributions

Imagine the additional impact we could all deliver if EVERY ROTARY MEMBER made a personal contribution EVERY YEAR to help fund our humanitarian projects.

And—not to forget clubs—what if every club gave at least $1,500 to PolioPlus and at least $100 per member to the Annual Fund. Just imagine how much more vibrant our clubs could become!