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Reconnect Week


PP Roslyn Teirney, Assistant Regional Public Image Coordinator —

Rotary Reconnect Week, the second week in October, celebrates the alumni of all our ambassadorial and youth development programs.

Article by PP Roslyn Teirney, Assistant Regional Public Image Coordinator

Rotary Reconnect Week, the second week in October, celebrates the alumni of all our ambassadorial and youth development programs. This is a week to show how Rotary shapes lives and ask "Where are they now?"


With three weeks to go until Rotary Reconnect Week 2021, there is still time to peruse the Rotary Alumni Report on My Rotary and make contact again with people your club sponsored to attend life-changing events such as NYSF, RYLA, RYPEN or a student or vocational exchange. Some former Rotaractors are also listed there.

Find official Rotary Reconnect Week banners and other-sized share graphics in the Reconnect Week folder in the Alumni Toolkit. http://bit.ly/rotarydactoolkit

Thank you to all the Alumni Chairs spreading the word.

Reconnect Week 2021