PDG Darryl Iseppi, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator — May 27, 2022

In excess of $6,500 was raised from the lunch with proceeds shared between help Inga and her situation and The Rotary Foundation Ukraine appeal.

Article by PDG Darryl Iseppi, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator

No symbol or logo has become more recognizable this year than the Flag of Ukraine. When war broke out in Ukraine early this year, Laura Iseppi reached out to her past work colleagues in the Ukraine. Their homes and their lives were being destroyed.

One friend, Inga, from Kharkiv and her family had been forced to flee as their home and livelihood was destroyed by bombing and gunfire. The showcase horses which had earned them their livelihood were being scattered and left without food, water or shelter in the freezing winter. Inga and her family were continually moving across Ukraine to escape the gunfire. With many nights of no shelter and limited food and water whilst helping as many others around her in need, action here was needed.

Laura contacted the Rotary Club of Samford Valley and they agreed that a Lunch for Ukraine would take place. With 17 days to organize, everything went onto overdrive. Offers from local business like The Samford Garage and from other residents offering to help the lunch took place.

Lunch and lots of food

The Rotary world kicked in and Rotarians came to support the Samford Rotary Club from Boonah to Kingaroy. Over 50 people attended the lunch on a day that threatened to rain all day but stayed away until just before the last clean-up was done. In excess of $6,500 was raised from the lunch with proceeds shared between help Inga and her situation and The Rotary Foundation Ukraine appeal. 

Supplies bought from lunch
More supplies bought from lunch
and more supplies bought from lunch