PDG Jitendra Prasad, Assistant Rotary Coordinator — Aug 3, 2023

The Rotary District 9620 Membership Summit 2023 was a resounding success, bringing together Rotarians from different corners of the world with a common purpose – to strengthen Rotary's impact and grow its membership.

Article by PDG Jitendra Prasad, Assistant Rotary Coordinator

The Rotary District 9620 Membership, held on July 30th 2023, the virtual event saw distinguished speakers, including Rotary International President-Elect Stephanie Urchick and Membership Strategist Tom Gump, inspire and empower attendees to take action towards a brighter future for Rotary. 


During the course of the program, the attendance peaked at 117, and a representing in excess of 17 districts from around 10 countries.

PDG Jitendra Prasad, Assistant Rotary Coordinator

The summit kicked off with PDG and DMC Jitendra Prasad setting the tone for the day. He shared an insightful overview of District 9620's membership status, highlighting its achievements and the challenges it faces. Despite being the largest district in Zone 8 with 22,021 members across 103 clubs, the recent loss of 1,378 members emphasized the need for a renewed focus on retention and growth strategies.

Rotary International President-Elect Stephanie Urchick took the stage and reiterated the symbiotic relationship between membership and Rotary's impact. The more members Rotary has, the greater the positive change they can create. By measuring impact and understanding the community's needs, Rotary clubs can design initiatives that make a real difference.

RI PE Stephanie Urchick

PDG Tom Gump's session on enhancing participant engagement emphasized the significance of creating a positive club experience. Recognizing the need to adapt to the changing expectations of members, he encouraged clubs to listen actively to their constituents and adapt their activities accordingly. Clubs were encouraged to foster personal development opportunities, engage with their communities, and leverage technology to strengthen participant engagement.

PDG Tom Gump

Governor Doug St Clair's presentation emphasized the importance of change and innovation. By embracing cultural intelligence and redefining flexibility, Rotary clubs can ensure they remain relevant in an ever-changing world. Through collaborative action, upskilling, and leveraging technology, clubs can adapt to the needs of their members and communities effectively.

Past President Soko Niko's speech highlighted the need to grow and diversify Rotary's membership. She encouraged clubs to explore new channels of outreach, increase Rotary's openness and appeal, and build awareness of Rotary's impact and brand. By creating unique opportunities and embracing change, Rotary can attract a broader audience and make a larger impact in communities.

The Presenters

Throughout the summit, panel discussions and Q&A sessions provided attendees with invaluable insights and experiences from Rotary leaders and members. Participants discussed the importance of effective communication, the need for inclusivity and accessibility, strategies for attracting corporate memberships, and staying true to Rotary's core values.

The Rotary District 9620 Membership Summit 2023 was a remarkable event filled with inspiration, collaboration, and heartfelt dedication to Rotary's mission. The attendees left the summit with renewed enthusiasm and a shared commitment to increase Rotary's impact, engage participants, embrace change, and expand their reach.

Enhance Participant Engagement

As Rotarians of District 9620 and beyond, the journey ahead is clear – to continue building a thriving and impactful Rotary community that creates a lasting positive change in the world.

The summit's success rests on the collective passion, dedication, and camaraderie of all attendees, and it is this spirit that will propel Rotary into an even brighter future.

Together, Rotarians have the power and magic to create a better world for all and together let’s forge ahead to create hope in the world.