So here we are in 2022 and the memes have already identified that 2022 can be read out as “2020 too”!
Article by PDG Dennis Shore - Endowment / Major Gifts Adviser
We had all probably mentally anticipated that 2022 was going to be more like 2019, with high levels of vaccination enabling us to lead a somewhat “normal” life and then along came Omicron and it seems like ground hog day. We have the advantage of knowing what the challenges will be and again there will be more Zoom connections and less person-to-person interaction than we would like. On the other hand, travel is now more possible than it was, at least in most of Australia and we have been promised by the politicians that there will be no more lock-downs.
Thanks to Government support during lock-downs the economy has been surprisingly resilient and we’ve seen interesting outcomes that seem counter-intuitive. In Australia and New Zealand house prices have increased astronomically and employment has risen. Some pundits argue that increased house prices reflect a diversion of expenditure that would have otherwise gone to travel, entertainment and hospitality. We have seen this also to some extent with higher personal donations to The Rotary Foundation. Those donors nevertheless had a choice and their generosity is greatly appreciated.
In past articles we touched on the menu of options for donating to The Rotary Foundation allowing donors to align with their passions. We know clearly what causes are supported by The Foundation so contributions to the Annual Fund are a convenient and positive way to do good in the world. Almost as conveniently, Rotarians can also contribute directly to Global Grant projects supporting their particular passion.
Rotarians may also support one or more global grants through a Named Directed Gift. For gifts of over US $15,000 donors can fund global grants in a chosen Area of Focus and also nominate the geographic location of the grant, such as Africa or Asia. For a gift of US $30,000 or more, donors may effectively sponsor a Global Grant through a district chosen by them.
Donors have the flexibility to decide how their funds will be applied such as initiating a global grant project. Alternatively, donors may opt to have their gift used in place of the Foundation’s matching funds in a suitable project sponsored by a club or district identified by TRF anywhere in the world.
So if you do not have the urge to buy a new house and would like to make real difference please consider additional support for The Rotary Foundation in some of these ways, using some of that money you did not spend in 2020, 2021 and might not spend in 2022!
Thank you Debbie Vance for your complimentary graphics. Debbie's gift to promote Rotary's amazing network of volunteers.