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2022-09 Foundation Moment


PDG Peter Garnett and Rob Byrne, Senior Coordinator – Foundation Services, RI —

Welcome to a new communication program called “Foundation Moments”. Each month, we’ll provide a snippet of information about the Foundation in a form that can be readily used by clubs and districts in their newsletters, web pages, social media pages etc.

Presented by Rob ByrneSenior Coordinator – Foundation Services, Rotary International and PDG Peter Garnett, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator

Foundation Moments will provide information on things like the Paul Harris Fellow program, our Areas of Focus, how donors’ contributions are used, PolioPlus, Peace Fellowships, and much more.

Foundation Moments


It’s a non-profit supported by contributions from Rotary members and other donors who share our vision of doing good in the world.
The Foundation’s mission is to help Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian and educational programs.

Thank you for supporting the Foundation

and the amazing impact it helps deliver.