Dennis Shore, Trustee The Rotary Foundation 2023-27 — Aug 12, 2023

On July 1 it was my (Dennis Shore) privilege to formally commence my 4-year term as a Trustee of The Rotary Foundation (2023-27).

Article by Dennis Shore, Trustee The Rotary Foundation 2023-27

This appointment also marks the conclusion of the 4-year term of PRIP Ian Riseley AM who has served The Rotary Foundation with great distinction over these past four years, concluding as Chair of The Rotary Foundation Trustees. Ian has left an enormous legacy and made a real difference. Thank you, Ian. 

As we all know, the mission of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) of Rotary International is to help Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

The TRF Board of 15 Trustees is responsible for managing all business of The Rotary Foundation except for certain matters that must also receive the approval of Rotary International. As the governing body of The Foundation, the Board of Trustees establishes policy for the Foundation and evaluates the implementation of the policy by the general secretary and staff.

The duties and responsibilities of Trustees are set out in The Rotary Foundation Code of Policies for those who would like to take a deep dive into the 239 pages that provide the framework for The Rotary Foundation and its operation.

I plan to regularly update Rotary members about the decisions that are taken by Trustees at their Board meetings and other matters that arise from time to time.

At the most recent Foundation Trustees meeting in June 2023 four committee reports were reviewed and 25 decisions recorded.

An important decision was to establish a new strategic partnership between The Rotary Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and World Vision for development and implementation of Rotary Healthy Community Challenge, a new program that will leverage lessons learned from the Partners for a Malaria-free Zambia (Programs of Scale awardee) to other countries with a high malaria disease burden and aim to significantly strengthen those communities’ health systems.

The operating budget for 2023-24 was affirmed along with a contributions budget, net investment earnings budget, programs awards budget and programs awards expenditure budget as well as confirming the 2024-25 annual goals for Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.

The Trustees also selected 28 Rotary members to receive the 2022–23 Distinguished Service Award for their outstanding efforts on behalf of The Rotary Foundation. No more than 50 of these awards are made annually.

Dennis Shore, Trustee The Rotary Foundation 2023-27