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PDG Stephen Lamont, Rotary Coordinator —

As we commence a new calendar year, it is often a good time to regroup and put in place a few new resolutions or plans to achieve some goals for 2024.

Article by PDG Stephen Lamont, Rotary Coordinator

Achieving any goal can be challenging, but the simple act of creating a plan is the first step – and importantly can often mean you are halfway there. Two items that you should have in your plan – firstly, looking at membership leads, and secondly is creating and managing a positive club membership experience.

January is often the time of year that Rotary receives an increase in inquiries about membership. If your goal is to grow your club, then you need to be serious about tuning in to these prospective members and follow up any membership leads. The best way to gain a better understanding of how to turn leads into members is to undertake the Online Membership Leads course.

Establishing a leads management process within your club or district is paramount. The workload can then easily be spread within your membership committee and tasks can be completed efficiently and effectively – and prevents leads falling between the gaps. One of the common responses from people seeking to know more about Rotary is the failure to respond to them in a timely manner. It is important then, to create a consistent, positive experience for any potential member. This is also a reason for having a group of people who can respond to leads and not just to rely on any one person.

In following up a membership lead, or anyone who has expressed an interest in Rotary, there are two ways to engage with them straight away. Ask them to complete the following:

Join Rotary form

Member interest survey

Both these forms shall assist you in better understanding a prospective member’s interest and how they wish to get involved with your club or district.

Offering an unparalleled club experience to your members is also paramount for maintaining and retaining club members – as well as a method for attracting prospective members.

According to recent Rotary research, a fulfilling club experience still is what matters most to members. But creating that experience is complex, and it takes time to figure out what works for your club. Luckily, the Club Experience Concierge is available to give you tailored advice. This online, interactive resource offers ways to improve the five aspects of the club experience that matter most to members.

I encourage everyone to make use of these tools and include them in your 2024 membership plans.