Foundation Moment Feb 25
Avneet Kaur Bhasin, Donor Services Specialist RI — February 9, 2025
We provide a snippet of information about the Foundation, 'Foundation Moments', in a form that can be readily used by clubs and districts in their newsletters, web pages, social media pages etc.
Presented by Avneet Kaur Bhasin, Donor Services Specialist RI
Donations to the Foundation are essential to securing and expanding our programs throughout the world. We recognize with gratitude clubs that make extraordinary contributions.
100% Paul Harris Fellow Club: All members are Paul Harris Fellows (one-time banner)
100% Foundation Giving Club: $100+ per capita annually; each member gives $25+ to Rotary funds.
Every Rotarian, Every Year Club: $100+ per capita annually; each member gives $25+ to the Annual Fund.
Top Three Per Capita in Annual Fund Giving: Banners to top three clubs in each district with the highest per capita Annual Fund giving.
100% Paul Harris Society Club: Banner is awarded to clubs in which every member contributes at least $1,000+ annually to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved global grant.
100% Rotary’s Promise Club: All members commit $1,000 or more to the Endowment via gifts or estate plan. These clubs receive a certificate upon request.
Will you help your Club be recognised by the Foundation this year?
Thank you for supporting the Foundation and its work.