Hero photograph
Clare and the inspiring local elder

Empowering Change: The Journey of Thamdanda's Water & Sanitation Transformation with Rotary

Rtn Clare McCall —

In the heart of Nepal, we held the closing ceremony of this remarkable project that spoke volumes of resilience and hope.

Article by Rotarian Clare McCall, Member of Rotary Westhaven, Auckland

The voices resonating during this ceremony recounted tales of desperation and pleas for assistance to both local and national authorities. Prior to our intervention, these had fallen on deaf ears and the villagers were destitute.

Clare and her partner Bino with members of the Kavre-Banepa Club

Local villagers at the closing ceremony

My charity, The Himalayan Leaky Foundation (HLF), first connected with this beleaguered community in 2018. The village had endured the aftermath of the 2016 earthquake, which left behind a landscape of debris and ruin. Out of the rubble emerged hope - The Rotary Foundation Global Grant Thamdanda Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The collective efforts by the Rotary Club of Kavre-Banepa as the Host Club, along with Rotary Clubs in District 9910 and other Districts in New Zealand, Nepal, Australia, Taiwan, and The Rotary Foundation culminated in a remarkable journey. The project included the installation of an 8-kilometre pipeline, along with drinking water supply facilities. The multi-faceted training included construction and maintenance skills, sustainable management and operational training, financial literacy and business management, agricultural support, and promotion of health, hygiene, and waste water management.

The destruction of the villages in 2018 – 2 years after the earthquake!
Training in action
Training in action!

Through the combined power of Rotary International, global community support, and dedicated individuals who provided expertise and training, the villages have found resurgence. A once near abandoned community witnessed a return of its people, now armed with newfound skills learnt during the project. This ceremony highlighted a renewal of community spirit. The transformation was not merely physical but also emotional, as the emcee, once shy and timid, stood confident, personifying the shared achievement and training delivered.

The emcee for the event in action, Clare, the Chairperson and member of the Water Users Committee

The reconstruction of Thamdanda was tangible. Walking the lanes and fields that had been rubble and dust were now alive with homes, crops, and vitality was a profound experience. Although the ceremony in April 2023 marked closure for the Rotary project, the partnership continues through HLF’s Women Empowerment Programme, successfully nurturing sustainable agricultural growth and empowering women economically, both in Thamdanda and other communities throughout Nepal.

Clare with the Thamdanda Women Empowerment Group Members

The project's impact has also resonated throughout the region, the local radio station present at the closing ceremony, spreading inspiration and hope; showcasing how meaningful change is possible even in the harshest conditions. The transformation, tangible and life-altering, has left an enduring impression on all involved.

Lush crops and homes rebuilt

Among this amazing community, an elder has always stood out. From the first literacy class with HLF in 2018 to the closing ceremony, her journey embodied the project's essence. The transformation in her life was incredible- no more six hour trek at 1am for water, now with access to clean water outside her doorstep. Her newfound abilities not only sustain her and her family but she also pays it forward, using the money she earns from crop growing to contribute to rebuilding the local monastery.

With the project completed three years ago (right before COVID shut the world down) Thamdanda's closing ceremony hasn’t been an endpoint; merely another stepping stone toward a more equitable future for these people. This journey from desperation to empowerment serves as a testament to the remarkable change that can unfold when compassion, dedication, and community unite and this Global Grant project is a living testament to everything we as Rotarians stand for.

Rotary in action – one of the water storage tanks
Water is life! One of the many hose stands installed

Photos supplied by the author, thank you.