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Together, We Connect


PDG Adrian Roach, Regional Rotary Coordinator —

We want our members and participants to find long-term value in their relationship to Rotary.

Article by PDG Adrian Roach, Regional Rotary Coordinator

What a crazy few years it has been! Amazing how a virus can change our world so much and especially our Rotary world.

Member engagement is vital to the retention of our organisation’s ability to survive in these strange times. We all work hard to create a strong relationship between our Club and members’, and we don't want to see those members walk out the door from a lack of engagement. Member engagement and member retention go hand in hand. Here are a few tips.

  1. Offer opportunities for continuing education. Point members towards the Rotary learning and Reference Centre . There are lots of interesting topics and roles to learn.
  2. Hold events. There's a ton of value meeting in person, but when you can’t then find another way. There are some great opportunities for some very interesting guest speakers during the COVID-19 isolation.
  3. Regularly communicate using members’ preferred channels. It's essential to keep communication channels open.
  4. Maintain a community. A strong community formed among your members helps keep them engaged.

How to engage current members and club leadership

  • Assess and evaluate the health of your club and its membership by using our Rotary Club Health Check (PDF). Create awareness around the challenges your club faces.
  • Ask yourself, “Does my club need to evolve?” If it does, download our Membership Assessment Tools for step-by-step guidance.
  • Ask your fellow members what they want. Build trust and respect with them — former members, longstanding members, and current members. They hold the keys to your club’s traditions and to its future. Our Member Satisfaction Survey (PDF) can help.
  • Coordinate events, speakers, and service projects that are challenging, exciting, and relevant to your club. Visit Develop Projects.
  • Find ideas for activities that reflect your members’ diversity and personalities in Be A Vibrant Club.
We want our members and participants to find long-term value in their relationship to Rotary.

People join Rotary for a variety of reasons. Some are looking for leadership opportunities. Others hope to make new connections and expand their professional networks. All want to give back to their communities.

We provide a variety of programs and opportunities to meet our members’ diverse needs, keeping them engaged with Rotary while helping them achieve their personal and professional goals. When we invest in our members, they invest in Rotary.

A long-term investment

Rotary is committed to service, but we are also dedicated to our members and program participants, who seek experiences that are personally and professionally rewarding. To meet members' needs, we are committed to listening more and asking questions to learn about what they want and value. We help them put their professional skills to work, like leading a fundraising committee, planning a membership event, or joining service projects. We want our members and participants to find long-term value in their relationship to Rotary.

How is your club keeping engaged with Members?