N. Botha - Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning/ Tumuaki Tuarua- Whakaako & Ako
E mihi ana ki a koutou katoa, e te whānau o Raukura.
I hope that everyone had a good summer break and that you are ready to dive into the new school year. A very warm welcome to our Year 9 families and any other families who have joined the Raukura Whānau in 2025.
Our first important event on the Academic Calendar is our Academic Review Day, which will take place on Friday 14 March. By now you will have received a letter with your appointment details. Your son’s House Group Tutor will also make contact with you to confirm the arrangements. The purpose of this Academic Review Day is to share the goals that your son has set for this year so that the home-school partnership can support him to achieve his aspirations.
Another important task on the teaching and learning front is the collection of baseline data for our Year 9 cohort. Each Year 9 Student will have a Reading Screening Test conducted by the Support Staff in the Learning Centre. This, together with Reading, Writing and Mathematics data collected in class, will be used to ensure that we support our Year 9 cohort to make the progress necessary in Literacy and Numeracy.
The refresh of the New Zealand Curriculum is underway and we will keep you updated of changes that will impact our students. Our teachers have already done the groundwork for the changes that are being made and so we expect this to be a seamless process.
Good communication between home and school is essential and I would like to encourage all of our Whānau to use our Fortnightly Report process as a means of communication. Our teacher’s email addresses are hyperlinked in the reports and they welcome any queries that you may have about the report grades that your son has received for that fortnight. The Fortnightly Reports are also a great way to track your son’s attendance and any queries about attendance can be addressed with his House Group Tutor.
We are excited to embark on this new academic year with you all and look forward to seeing all the amazing things our students will achieve. Let's make 2025 a year of growth, learning, and success!
Ngā manaakitanga,
Noreen Botha - Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning/Tumuaki Tuarua - Whakaako & Ako