K. Aldridge, Dean of Year 12
Tēnā koutou katoa,
My name is Ms Karen Aldridge and I am the Year 12 Dean for 2025. It is great to reconnect with boys and whanau since being their Year 10 Dean, and I look forward to an exciting and challenging year ahead.
It has been a busy start to the school year with subject choices and more importantly identifying potential pathways.
Year 12 is an important year in terms of achieving Level 2, as this is the qualification deemed to open doors to the future, whatever the chosen career pathway. Results in Level 2 are important when applying to universities and scholarships.
Year 12 also sees our boys preparing to lead the school as potential prefects for 2026 and I encourage our young men to take up all the opportunities provided to stand as role models as future leaders.
2025 Goals
Fortnightly Progress Reports
Score 3.8 or better in each fortnightly report. (Average score for Year 12 in our first round was an Attitude to Learning average of 3.45 and Task Completion 3.3)
Attendance is a major contributor to a student’s success. Our goal this year is to have an attendance rate above 90%. (Currently 85.6%)
2025 has the potential to be a great year, to explore a new path or refine goals and aspirations. Together we can achieve beyond what one can do alone.
“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini”
“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many”