
H. Baldwin, LOL Mathematics, Pou Whakarae

He mihi mahana nā te Tari Pāngarau mō te tau 2025

Mathematics is a core subject for all our Raukura men from Year 9 to Year 11 and remains a popular option in Years 12 and 13. We take pride in offering differentiated programs of study, allowing all students to engage with topics at a level that supports their success. In addition, Year 9 and Year 10 students also benefit from an extra fifth hour each week and they are working on Maths 1 which contains a variety of topics from all the different strands.

Our senior students are preparing for their first assessments, making this a busy time in our classrooms:

  • 1MAT is working on Time Series and will begin their assessment in Weeks 6–7. 

  • 2MAT and 2MAC are preparing for a Networks assessment in Weeks 6–7.

  • 3MAC and 3MAA are working on Linear Programming and will sit their assessment in Weeks 7–8.

  • 3MAT is learning about Bivariate Data and will be assessed in Weeks 7–8.

We understand that students have commitments beyond the classroom, so we aim to be flexible and will postpone assessments where possible to give them the best chance of success. If you are aware of any planned absences, please inform the teachers in advance—this really helps with our planning.

All the Mathematics teachers here at Raukura are enjoying getting to know the new faces in our classrooms! We look forward to a fantastic year of learning and achievement in 2025.

Ngā mihi

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