Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Asplin

School Board Elections: Nominations from 24 July 2022.

Kay Asplin —

It’s board election time again. Next term we will be electing board members for the next three years.

Image by: Kay Asplin

Nominations will open for the election of FIVE parent representatives to the school board no later than 24 July. NOTE: This starts during the school holidays.

The returning officer for the triennial board election is Bernardine Vester. She can be contacted at returningofficer@myschoolelection.nz.

The timetable for the election is:
Main Roll closes: Friday 22 July
Call for Nominations: No later than 24 July.
Supplementary Roll closes: Friday 12 August
Nominations close: Sunday 14 August

If there are more nominations than vacancies, then parents and caregivers will receive an invitation to vote either electronically or by post.

Voting starts: Friday 19 August
Election day is Friday, 16 September.
Voting count: Thursday 22 September
New board in place: Friday 23 September.

Nominations can be made online through an email link provided in the Call for Nominations. The link is:  www.myschoolelection.nz/mynomination

However, a hard copy nomination form can also be obtained from the school office.

If you wish to stand for the board, it is recommended that you provide a candidate statement and photograph.

The electoral roll will be held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.