Aramoana Mohi Maxwell — Feb 22, 2021

Kiriwaitingi Pare Delamere Rei (Aunty Del/Nanny Rei) passed away on Saturday 20 February 2021. She passed away at the age of 73 surrounded in love and while the sadness is overwhelming, her final days were a reflection of all that she has given to the world - grace, care, humility and a never-ending sense of humour. She was the epitome of the word, 'manaaki' and taught us all about 'aroha.'

Image by: Aramoana Mohi Maxwell

Her legacy to our school will stand the test of time and she is celebrated for the many years of service as a colleague and teacher. She touched so many lives and the gift that she was to us all is seen in the tributes that are being shared and the tears that are being shed. she loved our school and spoke about her time with us until she could speak no more. She was a matanga reo (an expert in Te Reo Māori) and showed us how easy it could be to live with two languages no matter where we were and who we were with and she was always willing to teach others. She was a poi exponent and shared her knowledge with others both as a teacher but also as a judge both regionally and nationally. Her expertise as a judge was called on in both the secondary school and Matatini arenas. She gave so much of herself in these areas and is celebrated for her knowledge and care in looking after those who were new into the world of judging.

While her passing leaves a gap in our lives, she lives on in those she loved with a passion, her whānau. They are a reflection of all that she gave to the world. We offer our condolences and thank them for sharing their mother, nanny, sister, aunty, cousin and sweetheart with us. We celebrate all that she will always be to Te Kura o Rautāwhiri and shout her accolades to the heavens.

E tangi auē ana te ngākau. E kore e mutu te aroha ki tō mātau kuru pounamu a Kiriwaiting Pare Delamere Rei.

Kia au te moe Aunty xoxox