Bridget Donovan — Feb 22, 2021

Meet the Crew

A very special welcome to the newest member of the Creative Arts Team, Sophie Williams. Miss Williams is teaching both senior and junior dance classes this year, as well as helping to coordinate our Dance crews. We are so looking forward to working with you!

Image by: Kay Asplin

Image by: Bridget Donovan

                 Bridget Donovan                    Laura Falconer             Janaye Biddle Kite
                 Curriculum Leader                 Teacher in Charge        Teacher in Charge
                 Creative Arts/Theatre             Music                            Dance

We are excited about 2021! We have an action packed year ahead celebrating all areas of the Arts. First up we would like to congratulate our Arts Prefects for 2021.

Image by: Bridget Donovan

                  Tai-Mikaere Ututaonga-Tait                                     Khatana Pohoiwi

These two students will be leading the Arts Council, promoting and encouraging Arts in the school. Keep an eye on the notices for opportunities to try new things and shine.

Up and coming

February: Senior Dance Workshop

Auckland University Dance Department are running a workshop for our local schools. Our Year 12 and 13 Dance classes are attending.


Miss Falconer is holding auditions for the school choir. Regular rehearsals and any performances will be in the notices.

February: Production

Information packs have been sent out to anyone interested in auditioning for this year’s production, “Once on the Island”.

March:Dakota of the White flats

Theatre students will be travelling to Tauranga to see Redleap Theatre’s latest piece of Physical Theatre.

March: Tutus on Tour

Senior Dance classes are off to Hamilton to see the Royal NZ Ballet performing classical and contemporary dance highlights.

March:Xecute Auditions

Love to dance? Come along to try out for the RGHS award winning dance crew. Watch the notices or see Miss K. or Miss Williams.

March:Shakespeare in Schools

A friendly competition between local schools demonstrating their awesome Shakespearean skills…”All the world’s a stage”....

March:Once on this Island Auditions

Auditions for the RGHS & RBHS 2021 production.

May: NZ Music Month

Watch out for lunchtime events around the school including open mic sessions.

July: Rotorua Speech and Drama Competition

Open to anyone interested. Poetry recital, speeches and acting. Prizes to be won. See Miss Donovan for details.