Carolyn Katu — Sep 12, 2021

We have been lucky enough to secure some funding from Sport BOP to run some initiatives at RGHS to get more girls active. So far we have implemented three initiatives:

1.   Free Play boxes - We’ve purchased a variety of gear that is located outside the staffroom, Mrs Holts office and in the Library courtyard, for girls to collect and play with during interval and lunchtimes. It has been great to see a number of students skipping, playing gutterboard, elastics or playing with a ball, zorb or catchball during the breaks.

2.   Give it a Go - this got underway with Badminton in the week before lockdown and then went into hibernation until we returned. Since being back we have held volleyball and spikerball as lunchtime activities and have been pleased with the number of students turning up, getting their passport stamped and giving it a go. 

Image by: Carolyn Katu

3.  Bootcamp - Our bootcamp, lead by owner of RK Fitness, Matua Rikihana, had to go online for 3 weeks, where we posted 9 lockdown workouts of the day (WODs) for students and whanau to do online. We also held 3 live zoom WOD sessions early on a Friday morning and were really pleased with the numbers of girls engaging while at home in lockdown. Now that we are back at school, bootcamp will be held on Monday lunchtimes, Wednesday afterschool 3.20pm and Friday morning at 6.30am with a free breakfast afterwards.

Image by: Carolyn Katu

We were able to purchase some Rebel sport Vouchers as incentives to be active. Congratulations to the following students who received $50 vouchers - Nikau Chater, Alyssa Webster, Shekinah Maxwell, Hollie Kingi and Mufaro Mapengo. A special mention to Keeley Carter-Conroy who won a $150 voucher for participating in all 9 online WOD’s and for sending her time lapse or picture evidence.  

Image by: Carolyn Katu

Also, a big thank you to our Year 12 aspiring leaders who are stepping up to the plate to help run our Give it a Go activities, in preparation for leadership positions next year.

Image by: Carolyn Katu

Please come and see Mrs Katu if you have any ideas for:

Nga mihi

Carolyn Katu - Head of Faculty