Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Asplin

From the Year 11 Dean - Felicity Kaiwai

Felicity Kaiwai —

Nau mai, rarau mai! Welcome tamariki, whanau and kaiako, to the start of a new academic year as we return to school as Year 11.

After months of careful and intensive planning, we are ready to learn collaboratively while supporting the health and safety of our tamariki and community. Thank you to all who have helped us get to where we are today – Faculties in preparing courses, staff in adapting services and daily operations, and you, our students, in staying informed and prepared to succeed amidst a climate of uncertainty.

I am Felicity Kaiwai, and it is an honor to introduce myself to you as Year 11 Dean for 2023. I want to emphasize that we are here to support you in any way we can. We will help you with the necessary Pastoral Care and we will provide you with a variety of other services — such as student wellness, learning support, and academic communication supports — that can make your experience of high school more rewarding, both academically and personally.

In the meantime, I invite you to make use of Rotorua Girls High School resources, talking with our knowledgeable staff, exploring our website and Facebook pages, accessing the Kamar portal and attendance application, or simply making the most of your educational journey. Aim for balance in your life, remembering what brought you here to Rotorua Girls High School while finding time to connect with your family and friends.

I am available via email: fkaiwai@rghs.school.nz or phone: 07 3480156 and our friendly front office staff will take good care of you. I wish you success in the coming year.

Nāku noa, nā

Felicity Kaiwai
Year 11 Dean