Hero photograph
Photo by Cynthia Hy

PASIFIKA BY NATURE - FINAL SHOWCASE 21 years (1998 - 2021)

Cynthia Hy —

The final showcase.

The Pasifika by Nature Trust took their final bow and will no longer run the Pasifika by Nature cultural festival.. Over the years there have been hundreds of students from South Waikato, Hamilton and Bay of Plenty gathered to be a part of this momentous festival with the sole aim of celebrating and preserving Pasifika cultures in Aotearoa - This year, we were lucky enough to be a part of that experience.

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our wonderful Rotorua Girls Pasifika group who worked tirelessly to make our mark in this festival. Our girls not only looked but sounded amazing as we sang and danced to Fijian, Tokelau, Samoan & Cook Island pieces.
Unfortunately we didn’t get the results we were looking for but we cannot put a value on the experience provided to us by the other performers. Speaking on behalf of the girls, I can safely say that it will be one to remember for a long time to come.

Image by: Cynthia Hy

A special thanks to Fiona Collins, our creative in schools who directed the whole piece. Our tutors Mata Tairea and Turike Tairea for giving us your time and expertise with our Cook Island performance. The Rotorua Pasifika community for supporting us along the way.

Cynthia Hy - Teacher in Charge of Pasifika in Rotorua Girls High School