Hero photograph
Photo by Althea Oldman


Althea Oldman —

Parent Resources - Use the link below to login into the CATE website

In these uncertain times many parents are uncertain about the future World of Work for their children!

Parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and career decision making. Parents want their children to find happiness and success in life and one factor which influences happiness and success is career choice. But how do we educate the parents about the changing world of work, and the vocational and tertiary educational options that are available. Included on the front section of the CATE website is the “Parent Resource” section, this has been designed to support the parents in our school community.

It provides information on GenZ, the world of work, NCEA, subject selection, understanding tertiary learning options, tips for parents on supporting their young person and resources they can access to work alongside their teen to map out their future plans.

The Parent Resource is found on the HOME page of the CATE NZ website. This has been designed for schools to share with their parent community. The link can be shared directly with parents as this part of the website is public.

Here is the link - https://www.cate.co.nz/parent-resources/

Image by: Althea Oldman

Our research team prepared a concise checklist for Year 13 students finishing school at the end of this year. We believe the checklist speaks to its audience and will be valuable to students all over New Zealand.

Our ultimate checklist for Year 13 students: https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/year-13-checklist.html

Next Steps:

1. Please take a few minutes to read our guide; if you like it, feel free to share our https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/year-13-checklist.htmlguide with your students.

2. Understanding what comes after school is often uncertain, but this guide has already proven a success with a trial audience. We have a lot of confidence in this guide and welcome your comments!