Hero photograph
Photo by Barbara Stewart

Z Club Term 3

Barbara Stewart —

We are meeting weekly with a good attendance. We had have a session on making a card for a significant woman in theirs lives. The chat around who the girls where shooing are was very encouraging.

We are planning to promote ‘Project Uplift” which is collecting bras to be sent to the Pacific Islands. Promotion for this is starting on the 15th August. Drop off will be our staffroom and the Wellness Centre. Any bra, any size in good condition. There is a website https://www.projectuplift.org.nz/ if you would like to learn more.

We are also planning a Mufti day on Thursday 25th August. Girls are to bring a can of food or something unperisable eg bag of rice and / or a gold coin. The food will go to a kitchen feeding homeless or a food bank and the coin will be going into fund being collected at the Zonta Club for the Victims of the Ukraine War.

Barb Stewart