Hero photograph
Photo by Dana Kinita

Welcome to the first of our 2021 Bulletins

Sarah Davis, Principal —

It has been a smooth and calm start to the year. I am excited to see such a strong and talented number of new students to the kura this year.

On Wednesday, 3 February 2021, the school year began with a kawe mate / pōhiri to acknowledge a Year 12 student who passed away at the end of 2020; and for our all our Year 9 and other new students at various levels as well as our Year 13 students

Term one always seems to be so frenetic in the number of activities we hold. But it is also a time of celebration as we come together to start another year to recognise what makes us who we are as a kura in this town.

There are plenty of opportunities in which to be involved. We value the input of whanau in the journey of learning of all in the school. Please contact us if there are things you want to know. We are here to be of assistance.

There is a huge amount of information in this bulletin. Thank you to all who are assisting in the many activities that are covered in this edition

Whāia ko te mātauranga

Seek ye from the fountain of knowledge