Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Asplin

From the Principal....

Sarah Davis —

I would like to thank everyone in the Rautāwhiri community for everything this year.

In the third year of a global pandemic, teaching and learning has had to be more adaptable than ever. We are so proud of all the accomplishments of our students and in particular, those who we recognized in our Junior and Senior Prizegivings. 

To our Year 13 leavers, we wish you all the best for your future. We hope as a school we have done all we can to prepare you for life beyond the school gate. 

We look forward to 2023 which will be a keystone year for our kura. Te Whare Whawhao, our school Boarding Facility will be opening. We will have around 35 students from throughout the country, staying at the Hostel on the Toi Ohomai campus. This is a new chapter for our school and one that is very exciting.

Please enjoy the summer break. Stay safe and enjoy whānau.

Whaia ko te matauranga

Sarah Davis