Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Asplin

PE and Health Faculty News - Te Ohu Hakinakina.

Carolyn Katu —

Year 11 Surfing

The Year 11 PE classes got to experience two full days of surfing at Mount Maunganui beach. They were given Surf lessons by fully qualified instructors from South Pacific Surf Company who supplied our girls with wet suits and surfboards for the two days. The girls were able to gain a valuable experience along with demonstrating responsible behaviours in the outdoors and quality performance in surfing. This opportunity enabled the girls to complete 3 Achievement Standards gaining 11 credits overall.

Before they got to go surfing they had to learn about the Biophysical and Biomechanical principles associated with surfing. They had to demonstrate a good understanding of Anatomy and be personally and socially responsible to attend the excursion. Students must now complete the written component that goes with the practical.  

Pree Atutahi

Sexuality Education - Term 2

Sexuality Education - Term 2

Our Year 9 and 10 students have now finished their Mates and Dates 5 week course with facilitators from the community who came to run lessons on keeping ourselves safe in relationships. In Week 6 (Tuesday 8th or Wednesday 9th June), the Year 9’s will have the THETA production company come and take SEXWISE. Theta have a Ministry of Education contract to perform and facilitate Sexwise, which comprises of a 50 minute performance, where the actors follow 4 high school teens and their developing relationships. Unresolved questions in the narrative are carried over to a 50 min workshop where students discuss issues and behaviours and get real, up to date advice from ther fictitious characters in an interactive way. This is our 5th year welcoming Theta back to our school and we know that our students will enjoy the performance as well as the workshops. More information about Sexwise and Theta can be found on their website:https://www.theta.org.nz/our-programmes/sexwise/.

In week 7 - we will follow up our Mates and Dates and Sexwise performance by in class discussions on the following

Year 9: Week 7 - The menstrual cycle, Week 8 - how women are portrayed in the media, Week 9 & 10 - assertive communictaion.

Our Year 10 students will spend week 6 reviewing and recapping the key messages from their Mates and Dates sessions and will then move onto the following topics:

Week 7 - Conception and contraception, Week 8 - STI’s, Week 9 - pornography and Week 10 - problem solving models

If there are apsects of the course that you would like your daughter to be withdrawn from, please feel free to send me an email - ckatu@rghs.school.nz

Tu Manawa Funding

We have received funding from Sport BOP to run a programme in our school to get more students active during school hours, as well as out of school. We are inviting all Year 9’s, 10’s and 11’s to fill in a short survey about their levels of activity. Please access the survey at


This is an exciting opportunity for us to engage in different activities that the girls are interested in participating in. If you (parents/guardians) have any suggestions of activities you’d like to see offered to your daughter/ward please email me to let me know. For example, if you have contacts to different activities eg ‘hula fit’ or mau rakau etc, please drop me a line - ckatu@rghs.school.nz

Senior Health- Year 12

As part of their health promotion assessment and in recognition of Smokefree day, the students designed and presented a skit to the junior school on vaping facts and school rules. The students finished with a quiz to find out what the juniors had learnt from their promotion. They concluded that despite smoking rates decreasing as we move towards a smokefree 2025 Aotearoa more young people are using electronic cigarettes. The skit was well received by the school and congratulations go to the year 12 class for their efforts to make this a great promotion.

Caroline Beamish