Mr A Kiss — Aug 14, 2022

Year 11 Statistics news

Our Year 11 Statistics class has been working on their final internal assessment this term, which involved recording their own data. The topic was gumboot throw, so our class measured their best throws on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. The investigation required the students to compare the length of the throws to the heights of students, using a scatter graph. 

Although the activity started with some reluctant students who did not want to get too wet, by the end everyone managed to try their best at throwing a gumboot. A very dedicated group then set out to break each other’s record, which saw 3 students emerge with throws over 17 meters. 

Image by: Mr A Kiss

The eventual record was set at 20.3 m, which is a very respectable result taken on this drizzly afternoon. Now we look forward to some great results in this investigation.

Mr A Kiss
Mathematics Teacher