Hero photograph
Photo by Kay Asplin

Careers News

Althea Oldman —

ALL STUDENTS - PLEASE Keep an eye on your School Facebook Pages and the Student Notices for events coming up on the careers calendar.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Omicron COVID variant still in our communities and schools, many of the Tertiary providers, Universities and Polytechnics have not been able to visit schools with face-to-face presentations. However, they have all offered zoom sessions and provided videos and contact details for students who do not have devices or have not managed to be online at the scheduled time. We have emailed all Year 13 students copies of the links to these sessions. It is important that senior students start their own research on the University or Polytechnic websites that they are considering applying to next year. The Careers Department will advertise when any Tertiary provider offers a Zoom or Webinar session. The Careers Advisor is available for students to make an appointment to discuss their career pathway and at this stage these appointments are for one on one sessions. The student can request an appointment by text 021 973807 or email aoldman@rghs.school.nz

SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE! Year 13 Students will be thinking about scholarships for 2023. Students can use a school computer to access givME – Generosity New Zealand (formerly Breakout) http://generosity.org.nz/giv-me/. This has a database of over 4000 scholarships that are available. This is only free to access from the school network. Get your share of the “free” money that is out there to assist with the costs of tertiary study. Please see Mrs Oldman in Careers for access. All the Polytechnics and Universities have Scholarships available for first year students and these are easily accessible on their websites. Students can start applying for scholarships online any time now.

We have updated our comprehensive guide to school leaver university scholarships. The resource is exclusively for 2022's Year 13 students:

The link is https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/scholarships-nz.html
University Scholarships for Year 13 Students
MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2023. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students. A list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list.

Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success.

For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page


Blindfolded(Jahkaia Scanlan - Mekura Papuni) — Image by: Kay Asplin

Task was to give your partner clear instructions blindfold. The game promoted trust and building positive relationships.

Early in term 1 a two-day Gateway course was held to provide the opportunity for students to gain extra catch-up credits.

During these interactive courses, the Students learnt skills to prepare them for the workforce and on how to deal with employment relationships, and managing stress, as well as learning about workplace customer service.

Day two saw Students involved in using a number of skills involving teamwork and public speaking skills. They developed skills around responding to customer complaints and researching ideas.

Communication (Matariki Rolleston, left - Jade Kiel right) — Image by: Kay Asplin

Task was to draw a picture of your partner and give positive feedback. It was a great way for the students to build self-esteem.