Michelle Goeth — Feb 18, 2021

A warm welcome to all our students taking Science this year. We hope 2021 will be more settled without COVID-19 interrupting and with planned events able to take place.

Faculty Staff: This year we have ten  staff members taking the following classes

Ms Michelle Goeth - Curriculum Leader:    9AKO, 10AWHI, 11 Physical Science, 12 Chemistry, 13 Chemistry

Mr John Burton Assistant Curriculum Leader:  9KAHA, 9TIKA, 10MANA, 10PONO, 12Physics, 13Physics

Mr Gary Dender:   12 Vocational Science, 13 Vocational Science, 13 Biology

Miss Cynthia Hy:  9MANA, 10AKO, 11Natural Science, 11 Physical Science, 12 Biology

Mrs Aishwarya Sheth: 9AWHI, 9MANA, 11 Natural Science, 11 Physical Science, 12 Biology

Mrs Geraldine Cunningham:  10ARO, 11Vocational Science

Meriana Tamati:  9ARO, 10TIKA

Mrs Jordyn Ewert and Jade Northey:  9PONO

Miss Rebecca Odyssey: 11 Vocational Science

Alison Blakey is our Science Technician and students may find her assisting the teacher in a lesson.

Please feel free to contact any member to discuss your daughter’s course and progress.

Senior students will be receiving an enrolment and registration for on-line work with Education Perfect. The department pays the $20 fee per student so please ensure your daughter can access and use this site at home, and is completing the required set work. The class teacher can include you with updates from the site about your daughter’s completion and progress. If you do not want this please notify the class teacher.

The department has also supplied senior classes with a workbook at a cost of $27 / student. The students find these invaluable in terms of giving information, questions and tasks that they can mark by scanning a code. I encourage caregivers to be involved and regularly have a look at your daughter’s work…and even ask questions!

Health and Safety is a very important responsibility in the laboratories with all participants (staff and students) having obligations to keep everyone safe. Footwear is compulsory and long hair needs to be tied back – a hair tie in your daughter’s pencil case is more comfortable than the teachers rubber band. We thank you for your co-operation in supporting the no phone school policy and having laboratories a no eating/drinking space.

Image by: Michelle Goeth

We look forward to a great year and if your daughter shows interest in any particular area please encourage her to approach us for opportunities in that area.