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Whanau Conferences

Whānau Conferences


Whānau Conferences will take place next week on Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th.

You will have been sent a letter via email outlining all of the days and times and a link to school interviews for you to book your time with your students Kaiārahi (Advisor).

Unfortunately, due to COVID Level 3 restrictions the Whānau Conferences will be via Google Meet. Your students Kaiārahi will email you the Google meet link once you have booked your time through school interviews.

In case you have missed the email letter here is the details for school interviews:

Go to: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/

Enter the code mf8hc and select 'Go'

You will need to enter your email address, name and student's name.

You will then need to select the appropriate Advisor and 'Go'.

You will then be able to select a time and complete the booking process.